6th Edition PMBOK® Guide–Process 13.4 Monitor Stakeholder Engagement: Outputs

This post covers the output of the activity containing in the tools and techniques for this process covered in the last post.

13.4.3  Monitor Stakeholder Engagement:  Outputs  Work Performance Information

With regards to this process, this represents the current status of stakeholder engagement, in other words, to what degree does the stakeholder support the current project, as compared to the desired levels of stakeholder engagement. Change Requests

As a result of monitoring stakeholder engagement, if any change requests are made as a result, then these change requests are processed in process 4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control.  Project Management Plan Updates

Of course, the primary component of the overall project management plan that will be update will be:

  • Stakeholder engagement plan–any updates regarding information about stakeholders are added to this component

In addition, the following components may need to be updated as well:

  • Resource management plan–the project team’s responsibilities for stakeholder engagement activities may need to be updated.
  • Communications management plan—the communication strategies for engaging with stakeholders may need to be updated.  Project Document Updates

The main project document that needs to be updated, of course, is:

  • Stakeholder register–new information about stakeholders is updated as a result of this process of monitoring stakeholder engagement.

In addition, the following project documents may need to be updated as well:

  • Issue log–if any stakeholders attitudes have changed towards any of the existing issues in the issue log, then the log may need to be updated.
  • Lessons learned register–if as a result of engaging stakeholders, any lessons are learned about challenges and how they could have been avoided, then these are added to the register.   Of course, if approaches turn out well, then these positive lessons should also be added to the register.
  • Risk register–if any risk are related specifically to stakeholders, then these may need to be updated as a result of interaction with the stakeholders as a result of this process.

And with that, we have finally come to the end of the review of all 49 project management processes, a project which has taken me several months to accomplish.   At first, you may think “well, you’ve just copied the contents of the PMBOK® Guide for the purpose of understanding them–how does that add value for those reading the blog?”

I have tried to add the following to my blog entries:

  • Explanations of the concepts behind the processes
  • Organizing of “laundry lists” of inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs by knowledge area to make them more comprehensible
  • Adding explanation or examples to some of the entries from the Guide to make them understandable.

What’s next:  a few posts on the 6th Edition PMBOK® Guide regarding my impressions on the evolution of project management as reflected in the Guide, and then I move on to agile project management based on the Agile Project Management Guide issued by PMI as a companion to the 6th Edition PMBOK® Guide covering more traditional project management methods.   And, while I go over the material in various test exam prep guides I will discuss methods for answering certain types of questions on the PMP exam.  So I will still try to provide content on a daily basis for those who are planning to take the PMP exam, or those who are trying to expand their knowledge to cover agile project management.

Until then, learn not just to plan your life, but to enjoy it as well!

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